Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Rant

 First of all, I went home to West Valley this weekend to find a dress for my sister's wedding, so I didn't get back to Rexburg until 11:30 p.m. Then My roommate and I had to catch up because, believe it or not, a lot happens in one weekend. We both had stories up the wazoo! So, It's two in the morning and I have to finish an online test for my theatre class. I finish that after Julie has already gone to bed and I start reading for my Religion class. So....much....reading....So, I wake up from my dozing offness and it is four in the morning so I decided it's time to go to bed. I have a 7:45 class and we just turned in an essay so we had a breakfast party. All weekend, I was so excited for this party and what do I do? I sleep through my annoying alarm that goes off three times, and eventually wale up to Julie's at eight o clock! So I hurry and get dressed, brush my teeth, grab my backpack and go to class. I didn't even fix my hair. That is how badly I wanted chocolate chip pancakes.... Then I got back from that class and I still and to finish my religion homework and do my American Foundations homework. I had to read two conference talks for Religion and write how they made me feel before noon. Then I had to read three different readings for American Foundations and take a quiz before 12:30. So I didn't go to my Intro to theatre class because I looked awful and I was doing homework. We were watching a movie anyway. And I finished my test, which I didn't even get 100% on! :( Luckily my Family History teacher is out of town so no class today, but I decided that I couldn't miss all of my classes today so I went to my American Foundations class all the way in the Hinckley Building which is a 15 minute walk form my apartment uphill. And my legs feel like I have been running for hours because I don't get enough sleep. And now I am siting in the Library doing my Ancestral history project. ( So, needless to say, I am tired and am trying to wind down from the craziness of this morning. Thank you for listening to my Monday rant. I'll post some blogs later about the past couple of weeks because they have been fun!

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